Google and ClassCharts guides
General Websites for all Subjects
- GCSE Pod – click on ‘Sign in with Google’ and enter your school email address and password
- BBC Bitesize
- BBC Bitesize (information and quizzes)
- SENECA (information and quizzes)
- Physics and Maths tutor
- Kerboodle (Please see your teacher if you can’t log on or need help using this)
- Emmietheteachie
- Free Science lessons (short simple video clips of key ideas)
- Practice questions and videos
- Fuse school (short simple video clips of key ideas)
- 23 EQUATIONS (make sure you know them, know how to use them, know the units and how to rearrange them!)
Pinterest for gathering ideas
Variety of tasks for all themes have been set on If students do not know their passwords, they should see their class teacher.