Main Office 01206 303511

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What if I have further questions about the school?

    Please contact the Main Office or email [email protected]

  • Can I withdraw my child from Religious Education lessons?

    Parents and guardians have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the Religious Education (RE) program, as outlined in Schedule 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. However, we hope that all parents will feel confident in the religious education offered at our school.

    For those considering withdrawal, we encourage an initial appointment with the Year Leader to address any concerns and discuss the potential impact of withdrawal on the child. We will ensure that parents wishing to withdraw their children from RE are informed about the RE syllabus, its relevance to all students, and how it aligns with their personal beliefs.

    Parents will be provided with details on the learning objectives and topics covered in the RE curriculum, and they will have the opportunity to discuss these if they choose. The decision to withdraw should be initiated by the parents, specifying whether it applies to the entire subject or specific components. No reasons need to be provided.

    If parents request their child’s withdrawal, we will respect that choice. If RE is integrated into the wider curriculum, the school will coordinate with parents or guardians to determine the best accommodations for the child’s withdrawal. Once a child is withdrawn, they will not participate in the RE program until the withdrawal request is rescinded.

  • How can I join the Parents Discussion Group?

    You should email [email protected]. The Parents Discussion Group meets once a term for informal discussion and presentations on a range of topics homework, assessments and progress reports, access to information, the curriculum, new initiatives, etc.

  • My personal data has changed who do I notify at the school?

    You should contact the Main Office at the school 01206 303511

  • How can I arrange to meet the Head of School?

    Please email [email protected] to arrange a meeting.

  • How often are school reports sent out?

    Progress Reports are issued 3 times a year at the end of each term. We also have at least one scheduled opportunity a year for you to meet with your son/daughters subject teachers. However, if you wish to discuss your child’s progress then you can contact the subject teacher at any time; you do not need to wait for the Progress Report or a Parents Evening.

  • Who should I contact if I believe my son / daughter is unhappy at school?

    Your first point of contact should be your child’s Form Tutor.

  • Who is responsible for Learning Support?

    All queries can be directed to the administration assistant for Learning Support: [email protected]

  • Who are the leaders of the school?

    The school uses a model of devolved leadership with approximately 40 staff taking a leadership responsibility. Most of these staff have delegated responsibilities, manage their own budgets and make decisions around how their budgets are going to be spent. For instance, a Head of Subject decides on courses, purchase of resources including text books and all other associated departmental costs.

  • How do I email a member of staff?

    You can contact any member of staff by emailing [email protected] and including ‘for the attention of’ the required teacher in the email body.

  • How do I arrange to meet a Subject Leader?

    Your best method of contact is via email or telephone to the Main Office: 01206 303511

  • Who do I speak to about any matter relating to progress?

    The first person to contact about a subject related matter is your child’s subject teacher. However, if the query is more complex you may wish to contact the Subject Leader. Your child’s Form Tutor will be able to answer general queries but more specific issues should be dealt with by the subject teacher or subject leader.

  • Who do I speak to if I have general concerns about my child in school or information that I feel the school should know about?

    The first point of contact should always be your child’s Form Tutor as he/she sees them daily and they have a good overview of your child in school.

  • How do I check my child’s percentage attendance?

    You can keep track of your child’s attendance record on Go4Schools. The school target for attendance is 96%.

  • Who do I contact if my son / daughter is not going to be in school?

    Please see the Absence page in the top menu.

  • Note to Parents and carers on communication with the School

    Establishing and maintaining supportive relationships and open lines of communication with our parents is extremely important to us. We want the children who attend The Colne to have a positive learning experience and achieve their very best.

    However, life is never a smooth journey and there may be times that you have concerns. We want to assure you that we will listen to you, take your concerns seriously and together we will find a way forward.

    We firmly believe that it is by working in partnership that we will make a difference to the lives of our young people and give them the best opportunities and outcomes. If you have any concerns, please contact their House Manager in the first instance.