Parents and guardians have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the Religious Education (RE) program, as outlined in Schedule 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. However, we hope that all parents will feel confident in the religious education offered at our school.
For those considering withdrawal, we encourage an initial appointment with the Year Leader to address any concerns and discuss the potential impact of withdrawal on the child. We will ensure that parents wishing to withdraw their children from RE are informed about the RE syllabus, its relevance to all students, and how it aligns with their personal beliefs.
Parents will be provided with details on the learning objectives and topics covered in the RE curriculum, and they will have the opportunity to discuss these if they choose. The decision to withdraw should be initiated by the parents, specifying whether it applies to the entire subject or specific components. No reasons need to be provided.
If parents request their child’s withdrawal, we will respect that choice. If RE is integrated into the wider curriculum, the school will coordinate with parents or guardians to determine the best accommodations for the child’s withdrawal. Once a child is withdrawn, they will not participate in the RE program until the withdrawal request is rescinded.